THIMUN affiliation is designed to provide a high-quality conference experience for students in different regions, following THIMUN rules and procedures. Affiliation of regional conferences will give more young people, for whom coming to a THIMUN conference would be impossible, the opportunity to experience and enjoy the benefits of Model United Nations. It will also provide training opportunities for both students and teachers/advisors who wish to attend the larger THIMUN Conferences.
- AWARD OF DISTINCTION: By becoming affiliated with the THIMUN Foundation, conferences achieve recognition with the world’s foremost Model United Nations organisation for secondary school students. THIMUN affiliated conferences are some of the best MUN conferences found around the world. External verification of a conference claim to excellenceis an important milestone in the development of a conference. It is an indication to the host school/organisation, participating schools and the outside community that the conference is offering a quality educational experience.
- PROMOTING OF THE CONFERENCE: Affiliated conferences have the advantage of having their conference promoted within the THIMUN Foundation network. All THIMUN Affiliated conferences are included in THIMUN Publications and on the THIMUN website. Conferences have permission to use the THIMUN logo on conference documentation. Schools looking to attend new national or international conferences will have the confidence that your conference has met the high standards of the THIMUN Foundation.
- IMPROVED STANDARDS AND A PLAN FOR SELF-IMPROVEMENT: Preparing for the affiliation visit and reflection upon the affiliation report and THIMUN Foundation Board reports give conference organisers the opportunity to look for improvements. It is an opportunity to reflect on what your conference is doing well and how you would like to see it grow in the upcoming years.
- INCREASED SUPPORT: Most MUN conferences are organised by volunteer teachers with minimal financial resources. Affiliation gives conference organisers the opportunity to discuss with their administration the need for adequate resources and comparative support for MUN to other programs within a school. In addition, being part of the THIMUN Foundation affiliation network enhances the opportunity in sharing of knowledge and expertise between like-minded teachers and students. Finally, affiliated conferences can take advantage of the many educational and conference management tools and expertise available at the THIMUN Foundation offices.
- ENHANCES NETWORKING WITH LIKE-MINDED ORGANISATIONS: The THIMUN Foundation is an umbrella organisation that seeks to support MUN conferences in the promotion of the ideals of MUN. By working together, MUN conferences model the ideals of international cooperation and support.

CAMINU – Quito