Interested schools that have never participated in any of our THIMUN Conferences will have to follow an application procedure, as participation is upon invitation only.
In order to participate in the THIMUN The Hague and/or THIMUN Singapore Conferences for the upcoming year (more information about dates are on the conference websites) a school will have to follow the application procedure mentioned below, new schools will have to send us a number of documents by email to either for the Hague conference or for the Singapore conference.
- A letter of intent, on school letterhead and signed by the principal or MUN-Director. This letter must also indicate which conference they wish to participate in.
- General information about the school
- Information on the MUN club
- A list of international MUN-conferences attended by the school (especially MUN-conferences that follow the THIMUN Rules of Procedure)
The requested documents must be sent before the end of September for participation in the upcoming THIMUN the Hague or before the end of May for participation in THIMUN Singapore. Your application will be reviewed by the THIMUN Board of Directors who will then make the choice of which new school(s) will join us next year.
Please note that we do have a waiting list for new schools for the Hague conference, therefore participation cannot be guaranteed.
If your school is interested in THIMUN Qatar please send an email indicating your interest to participate to: